b'A Vision for The ParkBY ALFREDO CORVALAN, ASSISTANT PLANNERC ommunities across GrowthThrough careful engagement and thoughtful Management planning areas in Washington have been hard at work with the 2024planning, the city has threaded the needle by Comprehensive Plan update, and Normandy Park is no exception!navigating regional needs and preserving the For this update cities werecommunitys beloved hidden gem character.primarily tasked with examining and envisioning the housing fabric of our communities. With deep respect and consideration forengagement piece, Normandy Parkorganizations be part of the Normandy Parks natural beauty2044 Housing Survey, daylightedsolution.and characteristics, the Planningaffordability concerns. MoreStaff also spearheaded the Commission, City Council, andthan 76 percent of Normandystreamlining of land uses residents engaged in a rigorousPark homeowners and 59 percentprocedures under Senate Bill process to foresee how Normandyof renters said affordability is5290. By adjusting the processing Parks goals will be realized in thean important but complex localtimelines of applications, these next 20 years.issue. However, 47 percent of totalnew updates allow our regulatory In an effort to meet staterespondents also believed thatprocesses to be more responsive mandates and maintain the charmaccessory dwelling units (ADUs)to the needs and expectations of of Normandy Park, city staffor some variation of them are oneapplicants, while also positioning used an Asset Based Communityof the answers in the affordabilitythe city to explore more efficient Development framework (ABCD)toolkit. With these issues andprocesses to realize our housing to help understand and address anewfound data in hand staff beganneeds, enhance environmental number of issues including housingworking to create viable pathwaysresiliency, and meet local economic affordability, sea level rise (SLR)and solutions to address thedevelopment goals. environmental protections andcommunitys housing concerns.Despite the challenging tasks, implementing parks and recreationParallel to the foundationalNormandy Park 2044 and its policy through the PROST Plan.work behind the Periodic Updates,aligning development regulation To plumb these issues the citythe Planning Commission alsoamendments represent a major conducted an ABCD Values Survey,began reworking applicable NPMCachievement in balancing regional it documented and affirmeddevelopment regulations so thatgrowth needs with the citys residents deeply-valued sense ofcode would align with policy.unique charm. Not only has the security and safe small-town feel.A key element of this work wascity ensured that housing solutions The Planning Commission beganreconciling state mandatessuchalign with what makes Normandy its work to sustain this feel for theas accommodating diverse housingPark special but have also next 20 years, while at the sametypes and enhancing the resiliencyensured that the new regulations time instructing staff to analyzeof natural areaswith maintainingand updated plan both meet how housing is a fundamentalNormandy Parks qualities.state requirements and address building block of the communityThe Commission hosted a specialcommunity needs through an asset-and how the safe small-townmeeting with local religiousbased vision of the next 20 years.feeling is managed throughand non-profit organizations to housing.better understand and identifyTo read the final In an effort to further understandpotential solutions for affordableadopted plan, visit the how fundamental housing is tohousing, such as using communityNormandy Park 2044 page by scanning the this community, the citys secondland trusts and having religiousQR code.8 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025'