b'Normandy Park Preschool Parents Association & Normandy Park Recreation Department Present An Evening With Beth GossParent Education Instructor from North Seattle CollegeCome spend some time with Beth and learn how to avoid power struggles and set limits with young childrenWe all know that children need clear limits, but it can be difficult to find the right language and follow through.This workshop will help you:Improve the quality of communication with your childLearn to accurately interpret non-verbal cues your child is sending youPick from a list of limit-setting techniques, depending on your situation (or the day, or if youve had your coffee)When:January 30, 202567:30 pm Where:Normandy Park City Hall, 801 SW 174th Street City Hall Council ChambersCost: This event is free, but the parents association willgladly accept donations to help cover the fee. This is a free event but seating is limited. Please register toFor more information about save your spot! Call PreschoolBeth, go to bethgoss.com.at 206-248-8249 for more information about registration.www.NormandyParkWA.gov 29'