b'City Council Quarterly ReviewThe Normandy Park City Council meets monthly to address City business. The City understands that the action taken at these meetings impacts your daily life, so we want to keep you informed. Here is a summary of the highlights of the City Council meetings from September through November 2024.Contracts CITY HALL 801 SW 174th St SW A Contract was approved for the forest Normandy Park WA 98166 restoration of Nature Trails ParkThe CITY HALL HOURS & CONTACT: City will continue to work with EarthCorps 8:30am4:30pmto remove invasive species, install native Closed for lunch 121pm species, and mulch areas in Nature Trails Permit appointments are Park, focusing on active restoration (manual labor vs. strongly recommended. spraying.)www.normandyparkwa.gov206-248-7603The contract to continue the Citys online permitting system was renewedThe City will continue to work with SERVICES PROVIDED AT CITY HALL: Smartgov to provide online permitting for residents.Building PermitsCity AdministrationAn amendment was approved to the WM (Waste Citizen RequestsManagement) ContractThis amendment adjusts specific Code Enforcement performance requirements of the WM contract. With these Pet & Business Licensing amendments, the contract now includes certain benefits for Recreational & Facility Scheduling Request for Records residents. For example, next year, residents will be allowed Stormwater & Street Repairs one free bulky item collection for all single-family residential customers per year.STORM DRAIN & POLLUTION HOTLINEThe contract for designing the 2025 Capital Projects was 206-248-8278approvedSome of the projects include: NATIONAL OIL SPILL HOTLINE A 300 Guardrail on 1st Ave S near S 216th. 1-800-424-8802New asphalt parking lot, including a stormwater facility, NORMANDY PARK PRESCHOOL for Marine View Park. 19247 1st Ave S. Sidewalk and Stormwater improvements on Marine View Normandy Park, WA 98148 Drive near SW 197th. Enrollment Information:206-248-8249City-wide sidewalk panel replacements.Email: dbrissenden@normandyparkwa.govPOLICE DIRECTORY: Non-Emergency Police Number: 206-248-7600Police Records Manager can beAppointmentsreached during the hours of8:30am4:30pm, MondayThursdayResidents Lawerence Peryer and NON-EMERGENCY POLICE SERVICES: Samantha Pabon were reappointed to Concealed Weapon Permits the Art Commission. The Art Commission Fingerprinting represents the Citys interest in art matters, House Checksserves as a spokesperson group for art Lost Pet matters in the City, and keeps the City Council informed onFor Emergencies please dial 911 art-related issues.6 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025'