b'2025 EventsParent Education NightNormandy Park Preschool ParentsVisit the City of Normandy Parks Association & the Normandy ParkRecreation & Community PageParks and Recreation Department present an evening with Beth Goss. This workshop will help you:Bat WalksImprove the quality ofLearn about what bats we have in the communication with your childNorthwest, why bats are beneficial, PHOTO COURTESYOF NATIONAL SAFEBOATING COUNCILLearn to accurately interpretand bat behaviors. non-verbal cues your child is sending youSATURDAY, JUNE 287-8:30PMPick from a list of limit-settingTHE COVEtechniques, depending on yourFRIDAY, JULY 187:309PM situation THE COVE Boat AmericaSpring is a great time to gain JANUARY 3067:30 PMBird Walksknowledge and confidence to set you CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Join naturalist Kevin OMalley ofon a course for safeboating! Members NORMANDY PARK CITY HALLSouth Sound Nature School on a walkof the local U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 801 SW 174TH STREETare offering an 8-hour Boat America NORMANDY PARK, WA 98166to discover migrating and local birds! course right here in Normandy Park. SPOTS ARE LIMITED. SATURDAY, MARCH 22 - NATURE TRAILSSuccessful completion of this course, PREREGISTER TO RSVP.FRIDAY, MAY 2 - THE COVEincluding a passing score on the CALL PRESCHOOL AT 206-248-8249SATURDAY, JUNE 28 - WALKER PRESERVEexam at the end of the day,qualifies FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUTparticipants to get a Washington State REGISTRATION. FRIDAY, JULY 18 - MARINE VIEW Boater Education Card.ALL EVENTS 8:3010AM SUNDAY, MARCH 308:30AM5:30PM Blood Drive (WITH BREAK FOR LUNCH)Local blood banks are in desperateFall FrolicNORMANDY PARK CITY HALL need of life-saving blood and youEnjoy a free801 SW 174TH ST can help! Support local blood bankspumpkin, warmNORMANDY PARK, WA 98166by donating blood at City Hall indrinks and musicFEE: $20 PP/$30 FOR A FAMILY. COURSE Normandy Park through our partner,at the MarvistaFEE INCLUDES A REFERENCE BOOK TO Bloodwork Northwest. BloodworksPark Pea Patch toKEEP (ONE PER FAMILY)will be here on the following dates: celebrate fall in Normandy Park!PLEASE PRE-REGISTER IN PERSON AT MONDAY, MARCH 39:30AM-3:30PMSATURDAY, OCTOBER 251-4PM NORMANDY PARK CITY HALL.MONDAY, MAY 129:30AM-3:30PM MONDAY, JULY 289:30AM-3:30PMOwl ProwlsMONDAY, OCT 69:30AM-3:30PMLearn about nocturnal creatures(BREAKS FROM 11:30AM12:15PM) during one of our popular Owl Prowls!FRIDAY, MARCH 14MARINE VIEW PARKArbor Day SATURDAY, MARCH 15WALKER PRESERVE Celebrate the environment and get aFRIDAY, MARCH 21MARINE VIEW PARK Start times free tree at this fun City event! FRIDAY, APRIL 4MARINE VIEW PARK are seasonal SATURDAY, APRIL 5WALKER PRESERVE and vary.SATURDAY, APRIL 2610-1PMFRIDAY, MAY 9MARINE VIEW PARKMARVISTA PARK SATURDAY, MAY 10WALKER PRESERVE19990 4TH AVE SW FRIDAY, MAY 16MARINE VIEW PARKNORMANDY PARK, WA 9816618 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025'