b'Contact YourCity Council Council CornerThrive in 2025!BY DEPUTY MAYOR SUE-ANN HOHIMERPOSITION 1 A fter serving four years asour Police, Police programs like Sheri Healey 206-248-8286 your Mayor, Ive reallyPaw on Patrol, Shop with a Cop Sheri.healey@ enjoyed the change thisand other public safety, education normandyparkwa.govpast year to the Deputy Mayorand emergency preparedness POSITION 2 role. I find that its given me arelated projects. In this way, Susan Westlittle more capacity to focus onevery position in the resident-run 206-248-8289some community projects that areprogram is supported by another Susan.West@ normandyparkwa.gov meaningful to me as a resident.which will hopefully make it easy Id like to take this Council Cornerto participate and not much of a POSITION 3 opportunity to share a few of thoseburden on any one volunteer.Shawn McEvoywith you. Stay tuned to find out more about 206-248-8291 Shawn.McEvoy@Our recent power outageit and feel free to call me if you are normandyparkwa.gov throughout much of the city,interested in one of the volunteer highlighted the usefulness of anleadership positions.POSITION 4 improved city-wide Block WatchBriefly, the other two Mike Bishoff 206-248-8287Program. In the future, using ouropportunities for community Mike.Bishoff@official King County Precinct mapinvolvement that Im excited about normandyparkwa.gov as a guide to distinguish the 12are our Town Halls and America POSITION 5 areas that make up Normandy250. Please reach out if you are Jack LamannaPark, we can be even betterinterested in knowing more about 206-248-8288organized as residents, to helpeither or have ideas, youd like to jack.lamanna@one another. share with me.normandyparkwa.gov Im hoping the Council willTown HallsThe Community POSITION 6 approve of calling these 12 areas,Engagement Committee of the Eric ZimmermanProvinces, to go along with ourCouncil is holding Town Halls 206-248-8290French-Norman theme. (Of course,periodically to hear directly from ezimmerman@ normandyparkwa.gov The Province will still be Theyou, the residents, on various city-Province). If approved, each arearelated topics.POSITION 7 will be referred to as Province 1,2,3America 250The United States Sue-Ann Hohimerand so forth. The idea is, that eachturns 250 years old in 2026, and 206-248-8292 Sue-Ann.Hohimer@Province will have a Coordinatorour Highline Heritage Museum is normandyparkwa.gov whose volunteer job will be tohoping that each of the Highline find and support Block Watchcities will participate in some Captains for their specific blocksway in celebrating our countys MONTHLY MEETING CALENDAR throughout their Province. Blocksemiquincentennial. Im hoping Arts CommissionWatch Captains will then providewe form an ad hoc committee of 1st Tuesday, 7pm volunteer help to coordinatethe Council to get to work on some Council Meeting 2nd Tuesday, 7pm within their individual block orways to incorporate this milestone Metropolitan Parks Districtneighborhood for everything frombirthday celebration into events 2nd Tuesday, 6:30pm (if necessary) summer block parties, to snowand activities we already host. Civil Serviceshoveling, emergency prep, and ofStart thinking3rd Tuesday, Noon (if necessary) course, crime prevention. Looking forward to all the ways Park CommissionThe 12 Province Coordinatorsthat, working together, we can 3rd Wednesday, 7pm will also serve on a committeeTHRIVE in 2025! Planning Commissionwhich will be supported by The 3rd Thursday, 7pmCouncil Study SessionNormandy Park Police Foundation,Deputy Mayor Sue-Ann Hohimer4th Tuesday, 7pm a local non-profit made up ofCity of Normandy Park residents focused on supporting206-248-82934 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025'