b'HOME RENOVATIONS Expectations Versus Accuracy in Renovating CostsI magine a couple sits at their dining room table,Finding an Accurate Estimatecoffee in hand, studying a freshly printed set ofGood estimating requires more than expectations building plans. Months of work with their architectand hopeits built on data, experience, and have led to this moment. They are prepared for theprecision. Metrics from prior projects and a robust financial and emotional challenges ahead and areunderstanding of costs are essential. Without these, finally ready to make their big decision: choosing theirestimates are little more than guesses.contractor.Imagine if, during the holiday season, you told your Theres a knock at the door. Its the contractor, onekids theyd receive ten gifts, only for Christmas of a few theyre interviewing. This one comes highlymorning to arrive with six. Youd explain, Well, that recommended, and the couple is excited, sure theyrewas just an estimate. Its absurd, yet this kind of on the verge of bringing their vision to life. optimistic estimating is common among contractors. They present low estimates to win jobs, knowing well But after the contractor reviews their plans and sharesthat costs will inevitably will be higher than originally the projects estimated cost, the mood shifts. Theestimated and the homeowners will have no choice but quote is significantly more than they anticipated.to pay the overages.Shocked, they wonder, How could this happen? WeThe SpaceCraft Approachthought we could save money by being thrifty! And, With our planning and know-how, we were sure we couldCreating a solid renovation estimate isnt about make this work within our budget! guesswork At SpaceCraft, we believe in replacing expectations with accuracy. Our estimates are built This is a scenario Ive encountered too often. Andon real data from years of experience, ensuring it raises the question: Why is this such a commontransparency and precision from the start. We have experience? honest conversations with homeownerseven when the numbers arent what they hoped.The Root of the Problem: ExpectationsRenovations are investments, and they deserve realistic In my early years, I used to blame renovation showsbudgets. Lets set unrealistic expectations aside and YOURlike HGTV for creating unrealistic expectations. Idbuild something real together.remind homeowners: Were not in Waco, Texas. Costs SPACEin Seattle are much higher due to the cost of living. And, unfortunately for me, Im not nearly as attractive as IS OUReither Chip or Joanna Gaines. I cant distract you with charm or shiplap magic while the real costs add up.CRAFT Caleb Quick | CEOBut even seasoned homeowners and industry professionalsthose familiar with renovation(206) 818.9653realitiesare often blindsided by costs. The truecaleb@spacecraft-homes.comculprit? Unrealistic expectations. spacecraft-homes.comwww.spacecraft-homes.com12 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025SpaceCraft-Ad-HolidayEdition.indd 2-3 12/19/24 11:59PM'