b"ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS HELP NORMANDY PARK BUSINESSES THRIVEHighline College Small Business Development CenterR ich Shockley and his staffHighline College SBDC Center is one of 32 Centers in at Highlines SBDC (Small Business DevelopmentWashington State. [There are] two Certified Business Advisors, Center) labor on the front lines ofone Associate Business Advisor, and one Business Advisor small business support and retention in South King County. Theyve beenworking toward their certification. There are over 45 advisors helping our small businesses start,in Washington. Additional resources for SBDC clients include grow, expand, and thrive for over aon-demand training, access to international trade specialists, decade now. They are available totechnology specialists, and Highlines SBDC research group.residents as a service we offer to the small business community to help-Client Highlights, Second Quarter Operations Reportbusinesses with their needs and concerns. They offer consultations for free to residents of NormandyThe Washington Small BusinessNormandy Park.Park through our partnership.Development Center (SBDC) network,Remember there are also other Consider connecting with them inhosted statewide by Washingtonkey economic development 2025 to help your business thriveState University, is an accreditedpartnerships that have served the and grow. Highline reports thatmember of Americas SBDC. Thecity well over the years. These on average, small businesses whopartnership is partly funded throughinclude our oldest partner, the work with the Washington Smalla cooperative agreement with theSeattle Southside Chamber of Business Development Center reportU.S. Small Business Administration,Commerce, which has served they generate 15-20 percent moreinstitutions of higher education,the southside communities revenue than businesses who go iteconomic developmentof Burien, Des Moines, Normandy alone. 96 percent of clients wouldorganizations, and other public andPark, SeaTac, and Tukwila (and recommend SBDC services to others. private funding partners, includingbeyond) since 1988. SSCC is dedicated to creating the most vibrant, equitable, and inclusive region by advocating and building In and Around the Park awareness for businesses.The Soundside Alliance for Economic Development is a AN INSIDERS GUIDE TO BUSINESSESpartnership of five Seattle area cities IN AND AROUND NORMANDY PARK (Burien, Des Moines, Normandy Park, SeaTac, and Tukwila), the Port of Seattle, Highline College, and the Seattle Southside Chamber Reupholstery & Wood Renishing Servicesof Commerce. As a collective, the Alliance advocates for Southwest King County as a singular destination for businesses of all As Washingtons largest upholstery andshapes and sizes, for economic wood renishing company, we've beengrowth, and for prosperity.expertly restoring commercial furniture and cherished heirlooms since 1936.To learn more about the Small Business Development Center Call us today at 206-282-3241 for a complimentary quote! offered through the partnership and how it can help your business scan the QR code.30 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025"