b'mount rainier pool1975-2025Picture of a Starchase GPS dartNew Anti-Pursuit TechnologyT his year the Police Department successfully applied for a Washington State Department of Commerce grant for anti-pursuit technology.We received $50,000 from the State which allowed us to outfit four of our police cars with the Starchase system for the next three years.The system allows for a GPS dart to be fired from the push bars of the patrol vehicle that sticks to the suspects vehicle. We can then follow the fleeing vehicle at a safe distance thanks to the GPS tracker making things much safer for not only the motoring public but the Officers themselves.Pursuits are sometimes necessary depending on the severity of the crime involved and other associated circumstances. When we can avoid them by using alternative technology like this it allows us to achieve our goals of enforcing the law while being as safe as possible.For more information on how this system works please visit the Starchase website by scanning the QR code.www.NormandyParkWA.gov 11'