b'In This Issue3Mayors Message4Council Corner67City Council Quarterly Review8A Vision for The Park10Normandy Park Trees Thriving10A Thriving Arts Community11New Anti-Pursuit Technology 1416Thrive in 25: Top 25 Ways toEnjoy Our City Park System17New Bulky Waste Beneiit 1819Events Calendar20Word Search21Townhalls Thrive22Winterfest Brings Holiday Cheer 2523Pea Patch LottoVeterans Honored2425 2629 Preschool News & Events30Highline College SmallBusiness Development Center31What If It Snows?EXECUTIVE EDITOR10 11Amy ArringtonAarrington@normandyparkwa.govMANAGING EDITOR Aimee LloydAlloyd@normandyparkwa.govREVIEW TEAM Sue-Ann HohimerErin SmithNicholas Matz Susan West Jessie Medrow Dan Yourkoski 18City Scene is published by COLIBRI Northwest for the City of Normandy Park.PUBLISHER Peter Philips 206-779-2746, peter@colibrinw.com COLIBRI Northwest26 21PO Box 13130, Des Moines, WA 981981003ADVERTISING SALES Katie Higgins206-914-4248, katie@colibrinw.com2 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025'