b'Approved Resolutions, Ordinances, and Contracts Ordinance No. 1066 approving the Normandyimprovements from the City, with Park 2044 Periodic UpdateThe Comprehensivethe residents responsible for the Plan is the citys foundational policy document thatimprovement costs. This code was guides growth and development for the next twentyoutdated and did not function years. It sets out the communitys vision for thewell. So, the City repealed this code and adopted future and the groundwork of planning policies tothe States process as set in the Revised Code of guide city actions. It provides a framework so cityWashington (RCW). departments and community organizations can work Ordinance Nos. 1071, 1072, 1073, and 1074together toward common goals. The ComprehensiveThe City Council approved these four ordinances Plan Vision establishes the communitys desireto adopt regulations to help implement Normandy for how the city should change and what it shouldPark 2044 (Periodic Update.) Subject matters retain. Our vision is ambitious yet achievable andinclude affordable housing, permit review, SEPA will continue to improve the citys quality. rules, and short-term rentals.Ordinance No. 1067 adjusting the City Ordinance No. 1075 approving the 2023-2024 Stormwater Utility FeesThis ordinance adjustedBudget Amendment - The budget is a plan that the Stormwater fees for 2025 and 2026 by 3% eachneeds to be amended occasionally. This ordinance year. The adopted 2022 Comprehensive Stormwateradopted some changes required as the fiscal year Plan supports the approved increases and will helpclosed.the City stay in line with increasing costs.Ordinance No. 1076 approving the 2025-2026Ordinance No. 1068 amending the penaltiesBiennial Budget - The City Council adopts the related to violations of the Fireworks Code Citys biennial budget every two years. This Previously, when you violated the Citys fireworksdocument serves as the Citys fiscal guide and code, you were subject to a misdemeanor. Now,represents the culmination of collaborative work the City has a progressive scale: the first offense isbetween the City Council, the Citizen Budget a $250 fine, a second offense is a $500 fine, and aAdvisory Group, and city staff. It prioritizes third offense would be a misdemeanor. efforts to fulfill the Citys Mission Statement andOrdinance No. 1069 added a new section toaccomplish the goals set by the City Council. With the Code clarifying the Citys responsibilityits approval, the City will remain fiscally healthy for obtaining Right-of-Way permits - The Codewhile maintaining service at its current levels.now exempts City crews and City contractors from Resolution No. 1015 approving the 2025 ROW permit requirements. Property Tax LevyEvery year, the City CouncilOrdinance No. 1070 repealed language relatedadopts the Property Tax levy to support the to Local Improvement RequirementsThedelivery of City services. The anticipated levy rate code previously had a funding mechanism tofor 2025 is 1.50681ensure residents could request specific local Other Items of Interest Approval of the Long-Term Property Acquisition and Trail Improvement PlanThis comprehensive long-term project will guide the City with the acquisition of property that will address low-bank beach access, trail connectivity, and environmental protection. The City Council will form an Ad Hoc Committee in 2025 to help finalize the program. All acquisitions will be voluntary and supported with grant funding when possible.A Right-of-Way Maintenance Policy for the City was approvedThis new policy will enhance the Citys right-of-way ordinance and guide the day-to-day operations of the Citys right-of-way. www.NormandyParkWA.gov 7'