b"New Bulky Waste Benefit for Single-Family Residential CustomersB eginning in 2025, WM Normandy Park single-family residentialFor more information, customers can now place up to one large appliance or one piece ofscan the QR code or furniture for bulky collection for free during the calendar year. Thisvisit wmnorthwest.includes a refrigerator, freezer, stove, dishwasher, washing machine, clothescom/normandypark.dryer, water heater, sofa, mattress, table, etc.Currently, electronics and small appliances are free for bulky collection.Electronics include computers, audio and video equipment, TVs, cell phones and other equipment containing circuit boards. Scrap electronics must be no larger than 2x2 per unit and must be less than 60 lbs. each.Small appliances include microwaves, toaster ovens, etc.Customers must call to request a bulky pickup at least one day prior. Pickups will occur on your garbage day collection. Call 855-NPARKWM(855-672-7596), M-F, 7 a.m.7 p.m., and Saturday,8 a.m.5 p.m. to schedule a bulky pickup.YOU'LL LOVEAccepting New Patients for a Unique Dental ExperienceWe offer a full line of Cosmetic treatments along with Sedation Dentistry and General Dental care.No Insurance? Ask about our office Wellness Plan.206-248-1339 206.243.0300boulevardparkplace.com1800 SW 152nd Street, Suite 201 2805 S 125th StBurien, WA 98166 Burien, WA 98168www.kennerdentalgroup.com TOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK!www.NormandyParkWA.gov 17"