b'Normandy Park Trees Thriving in 2025 and BeyondT he City of Normandy Parktrees in the city. A heritage tree launched its new Heritageis a tree or collection of trees that Tree Program as a fun,is acknowledged and valued for the educational program helping usunique characteristics that set it stairstep to earn theapart from other similar esteemed Tree Citytrees. A tree can be USA status in earlyrecognized as a heritage 2023. This Heritagetree if it has historical Tree program offers asignificance, significant new way to recognizesize, or other unique the beautiful treesaesthetic qualities for found on privateThis set of Red Woodits species. If you have a and public property.trees are the most recentsignificant tree on your The Heritage Treeaddition to the Heritageproperty that you would Program aims toTree Program. They arelike to nominate for the continue increasinglocated off of 3rd Ave SW. new program, please the publics awarenesscontact Parks and of trees by drawing attention toRecreation Manager, Aimee Lloyd at our unique and significant heritagealloyd@normandyparkwa.gov.A ThrivingArts Community for 2025!The City of Normandy Park Arts Commission is currently seeking artists, performers, bands, face painters, musicians, and more for its 2025 arts programming. To learn more about city arts events or to inquire about programs like City Council Chamber Artists, Music in the Park, Solstice Soiree, and more, direct entries and questions Leslie Newman to Parks and Recreation Realtor/Broker206.769.8882 Manager, Aimee Lloyd at leslienewman@remax.net Alloyd@normandyparkwa.gov.leslienewman.remax.com10 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025'