b'Build Your Calendar of Normandy Park Town HallStay tuned for more themed townActivitieshall events and join the fun with CityWinterfest staff and Council Members.Tree Lighting DATE: TBD Ceremony Solstice SoireeSATURDAY,Youre invited to save the date for our NORMANDY PARK CITY HALLthird-annual Solstice Soiree! Join your 801 SW 174TH STDECEMBER 6 neighbors and the Normandy Park Arts NORMANDY PARK, WA 98166 SAVE THE DATE! Commission for an evening of music A Walk With Plants and art, presenting a handbell choir Come along for a saunter throughperformance by Grace Lutheran. The some of Normandy Parks pristineLight the Park doors open at 6:00 pm. Light appetizers green spaces to identify and learnDecorate your home and win an awardwill be served with a no-host wine bar about our medicinal and herbal plants.for the best light display! Light the Parkfrom the Friends of Normandy Park Foundation. All ages are welcome.SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 - NATURE TRAILS is brought to you by the NormandySATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 (TENTATIVE)SATURDAY, MARCH 8 - WALKER CREEK Park Arts Commission each winter to celebrate festive holiday spirit. OurTHE COVE SATURDAY, APRIL 12 - NATURE TRAILS commissioners will be out to giveSUGGESTED ATTIRE:SATURDAY, MAY 10 - WALKER CREEK awards! Stay tuned for the date!SPARKLY SOLSTICE WEARALL EVENTS 10-12PMFamily Foresters Join us in Nist Park on the Second Saturday of February and March. Volunteers will help to restore Nist Park. Just bring your enthusiasm. We will teach you about Forest Restoration, plant trees and then hear a lesson from the Environmental Science Center. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 810AM1PMSATURDAY, MARCH 810AM1PMVeterans Day Open House Enjoy visiting with other veterans and neighbors in advance of the holiday. City Hall will be closed Tuesday, November 11, 2025 so we will celebrate Monday! Join us on the lawn near the Blue Star Memorial Garden. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1010AM12PMCITY HALL PARKwww.NormandyParkWA.gov 19'