b"Winterfest Brings Holiday Cheer! NormandyPark Winterfest 2024 was a massive success on Saturday, December 7th! The annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and Santas arrival by a Normandy Park Police motorcade and the Fire Department drew record-breaking crowds! The Normandy Park Towne Center evening festival featured special guests: KOMO TVs Stella Sun, the Mariners Moose, the Ivars Clam, and the DubSea Fish Sticks mascot Crispy! Mayor Eric Zimmerman also presented Santa with the key to Winterfest. The evening also featured700 free Santa hats, 1,000+ free toys, 500 free candy canes, arts and crafts, holiday shopping, food, snow, and performances by Pat Herold, Dickens Carolers, Cascadia Brass, Seattle Thrillers, St. Francis Choir, and Momentum Irish Dancers. The morning festivitiesat the Manhattan Village QFC included Santa photos, St. Philomena Choir, Dickens Carolers, and arts and crafts. Thank you to everyone who made this magical day possible! To view all Winterfest photos and videos (including Santas arrival), visit Normandy Park Winterfest on Facebook.From upper left: Volunteers Xan Roberti, and Terry West greet festival-goers. The tree is lit! St.Francis Middle School Choir performs. Lower left: KOMO TVs Stella Sun and Mayor Eric Zimmerman with the Ivar's Clam. Santa Russ. Mariner's Moose with the new ice sculpture! The Dickens Carolers.22 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025"