b'Top 25 Ways to Enjoy Our City Park System,continued19 Yoga in the Park at City Hall Park 23 Enjoy a Nature Scavenger Hunt at Nature Grab a yoga mat and enjoy the parks serenity ofTrails Parkstretching and strengthening. City Hall ParksBring your family or friends for an impromptu grassy lawn offers an expanse of space for anscavenger hunt at Nature Trails Park. Try to find Oso impromptu workout. You can find a quiet spot onBerry, the Enchanted Trail, newly planted cedars, the lawn to set up your mat! Douglas fir, noxious ivy, a Barred Owl, and more!20 Visit the Summer Blooms at the Pea Patch Pick Up a BookEvery summer, gardeners at the Pea Patch24 Have you heard about the new book locker at in Marvista Park plant beautiful flowers andNormandy Park City Hall yet? With this new vegetables. We cant wait to see what grows inprogram, reserving a book from the library is 2025 at the garden. Get ready to be amazed by theso easy. Go online to reserve your book through poppies, roses, dahlias and more!the King County Library System, and when you 21 Sunset Views at Marine View Park receive a notice that the book has arrived, collect Catch a breathtaking sunset with a view of theit at the book locker at the front of the building. water and experience the parks peaceful, sereneTheres also a book drop located next to the book view of Maury Island and Vashon Island.locker when youre ready to return your book!Attend Fall Frolic 25 Bicycle at City Hall Park22 Get ready for some fall holiday fun next fall whenBring a bicycle to enjoy the perimeter loop we come together to enjoy free pumpkins ataround the park. Whether youre just learning or the Marvista Park Pea Patch. This event beginsa seasoned rider, City Hall Park has a paved loop the fall season with free pumpkins, crafts, andthat goes around the entire park. Make it a part of outdoor fun.your next ride in 2025!Missed ourGrand Reopening?Theres Still Time To Visit Solstice at Normandy Park.Explore our refreshed living spaces, meet our friendly team, and discover why Solstice at Normandy Park isthe perfect place to call home!Take advantage of limited-time savings on rent, communityfees and more when you joinour community.CALL US TODAY TOSCHEDULE A TOUR!(206) 483-2361 17623 First Avenue S., Normandy Park,WA98148 SolsticeSeniorLivingNormandyPark.com16 Normandy Park City SceneWinter 2025'