b'zeropoo.com DID YOU KNOW?Dog poo le\x18t on the ground doesnt wash away clean when it rains. It \x18lows into local waters and Puget Sound, harming people, pups, and the planet. But you can helpeven if you dont have a dog! In 2022, the grassroots organization Poogooder teamed up with Public HealthSeatle & King Couny to create the Zeropoo Challenge program in the Povey Bay Shell\x18ish Protection District (Des Moines & Federal Way area) to inform, inspire, and enable residents to help reduce fecal pollution from wayward dog poo. This year, wed love your input to shape the program and prioritize eots: Where do you notice dog poo hot spots? The beach? Parks? Trails? Around the block? In your yard? When do you oopsie miss a poopsie or leave a bag behind? What might help? More bins? Bag dispensers? Education? Something else? Want to get involved and volunteer? Please visit zeropoo.com today and take the quick suvey for a happier, healthier communiy and planet. Small steps make a big dierence. Lets do some good today.TAKE THE SURVEY + MAKE A DIFFERENCE!zeropoo.com2024 Lori Kothe, Poogooder founder. This project has been funded wholly or in pa\x7ft by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J18001-1 to the Washinton State Depa\x7ftment of Health. The contents of this document do not necessarily relect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. DES MOINES CITY CURRENTS|SUMMER 2024|35'