b'Cape Cod:Family OutingC ape Cod is a beautiful destination for families seeking aWell, now everyone is hungry again. To make your life easier, do what memorable vacation. With its stunning beaches, naturalwed do: go to Captain Parkers Pub, located a stones throw from the beauty and rich history, the Cape region offers a perfectpirate museum. From award-winning clam chowder to your favorite sea-blend of relaxation and adventure. Whether youre a local orfood, sandwiches and more, this lunch choice is a winner. Locally owned a visitor, youll find plenty of affordable and exciting things toand operated by the Manning Family since 1981, your family will get what do in just one day. it needs to recharge with friendly service, large portions and good prices. Start your day with a hearty breakfast! There are numerous locallyOn the road again.owned and operated cafs and diners in the mid-Cape for your family toLets switch up the pace for the afternoon adventures! Navigate your enjoy. Youre sure to find the perfect spot on Main Street in Hyannis orway from the hustle and bustle of Route 28 to historic Route 6A. Also known down Route 28 in Yarmouth and Dennis. Keep your family fueled with theas Old Kings Highway. Route 6A is one of Americas most iconic byways and most important meal of the day! From places like The Daily Paper on Maincomprises the largest contiguous historic district in the United States. Con-to the Keltic Kitchen to the Good Friends Caf, there is no bad choice.tinue east through Yarmouth and Dennis to the Cape Cod Museum of Nat-Keep your breakfast local where portions are generous and prices areural History in Brewster. This small but fascinating museum is dedicated to reasonable, for the budget-conscious traveler. showcasing the regions unique wildlife and ecosystems. Youll find exhib-Youre on the Cape so why not head down to the Ocean Street Dockits on everything from coastal birds to marine mammals, an aquarium, as after breakfast for a little family fun on/by the water! Depending on howwell as interactive displays that kids will love. The museum also boasts the the fam is feeling, you might want to take a stroll at Bismore Park and visitLee Baldwin Trail (1-mile) and John Wing Trail (1.3 miles) to really immerse the Artist Shanties. These colorful seaside shanties on Hyannis Harboryourself in the natural, calm beauty of the Cape. are open during the summer and feature a variety of local artists whoNext, its time to move onto Old Cape Cod. Set your GPS for the work and sell their creations from these studios. Are you a local? TheMarconi Wireless Station Site at the Cape Cod National Seashore, in artwork and artists change weekly! If the fam is itching to get out on theSouth Wellfleet. (Hey family - wed like to note that this location is free water, we invite you on one-hour Hyannis Harbor Cruise aboard theand open to the public, with restroom facilities open seasonally) This is Viking. Let the salty ocean breeze help you digest that breakfast of cham- the location of the first transatlantic wireless communication between pions! The harbor cruise features live narration about Hyannis maritimethe United States and Europe. The view, atop the eroding cliffs, over-history and local points of interest, on the way to the historic Kennedylooking the Atlantic is breathtaking. There is an interpretive display Compound in Hyannisport. The best thing about the harbor cruise? Kidspavilion outlining the importance of this historic site, most notable its ride free on morning trips! Perfect plan for your wallet. We encourage yourole in the communications during the sinking of the RMS Titanic in to visit our friends at the Cape Cod Maritime Museum, at the end of theApril 1912. Now, we ask you to shift your attention across the parking Ocean Street Dock. Your visit, like the harbor cruise, will be an hour andlot at Marconi. Its something you dont hear a lot about but is definitely trust usthe price is right! a locals favorite. The Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail. This 1.2-mile Ahoy! Now its time to say goodbye to Hyannis, hop in the car and headloop trail takes you down through a stunted oak and scrub pine forest east down Route 28 to the Wydah Pirate Museum in Yarmouth! Take yourinto woodlands, to a boardwalk that takes you through the cedar deep, gravelly pirate voice and grunt and growl at this interactive scienceswamp. If you are interested in this adventure, wed like to note that this museum. You and your landlubber fam will find real pirates, booty, steptrail is marked as moderately difficult. aboard a replica of a 300-year old Wydah ship and guess what? Youll beWe can only imagine that if you have chosen to follow this day trip itin-able to touch, see, and interact with the worlds only authenticated pirateerary that its getting late and you actually might be a little tired. We ship! After this visit, youll feel like an old salt. Shiver me timbers, what aencourage you to do something crazy to wrap up your family day on the great time! Cape. ICE CREAM SUNDAES FOR DINNER!!!!!!!!!! IMAGE CREDIT: JON MIKSIS IMAGE CREDIT: BEN NUGENT IMAGE CREDIT: GRETA GEORGIEVA34 This is Hy-Line'