b'A S SO C I AT I ON BY- L AW Sthese By-Laws, or violations of a provisionSection C order shall be as follows: President, Vice or provisions of the Code of Ethics ofActive members shall, by region, elect aPresident, Immediate Past President, the Association, which, by referenceRegional Chair, who will also serve on theSecretary/Treasurer.is made a part of these By-Laws. SuchBoard of Directors as a voting member.Section Dcause shall be determined by a vote of theVacancies in the Board of Directors amongThe regular order of business shall be:Board of Directors, such vote being takenrepresentatives of regions shall be filled only pursuant to an investigation andat the next regional chapter meeting by1. Call of the rollrecommendation on such a matter by theelection among active members from2. Reading of minutes of previous Ethics Committee of the Association. Thewithin the region. The newly electedmeetingsvote of the Directors shall be final and notrepresentative shall immediately take3. Reports of officers and committeessubject to review. office and shall hold office for the balance of the unexpired 2 year term.4. Unfinished businessARTICLE XI5. New businessDues and Assessments Section DSection A Vacancies in the office of the ViceAt the appropriate conference, the Dues of all categories of members of thePresident and Secretary/Treasurer shallelection of officers and the election or Association shall be reviewed periodicallybe filled for the remainder of the termappointment of committees shall follow and approved by majority vote of theby action of the Executive Committee.new business in the order of business.Board of Directors at a regular or specialNominees shall be active members in meeting. good standing. ARTICLE XIV Section E Rules of OrderSpecial Assessment. At any specialNominations for Founder Award andRoberts Rules of Order shall be meeting of the Board of Directors,Honorary membership shall come fromthe parliamentary authority of this called for the purpose of making anthe general membership and be submittedAssociation.assessment, the two-thirds vote of theby the Regional Chairs to the Board of entire Board shall be required to approveARTICLE XV such assessments for this purpose. TheDirectors. Code of Ethicsmembers of the Board may vote in personARTICLE XIIIEach member of the Association shall by or by ballot.Meetings virtue of application agree to abide by the ARTICLE XIISection A provisions of the Code of Ethics, which by Nominations and Elections Special meetings of the Associationreference is made a part of these By-Laws.Section A may be held upon the call of the PresidentARTICLE XVI All nominees for the offices of President,or upon the direction of the majorityFiscal YearVice President, Secretary/Treasurer, andof Directors or upon written petitionThe fiscal year of the Association shall be Region Chairs shall be active members insigned by a majority of active membersJanuary 1 through December 31.good standing. qualified to vote. The Secretary shall give at least thirty (30) days notice of any suchARTICLE XVII Section B meeting. Mode of AmendmentElections for these offices shall beSection B Amendments to the By-Laws shall be conducted by official ballot from activeThe Secretary/Treasurer and Executiveproposed by a signed petition from a members in good standing at the AnnualCoordinator shall act as recorders at allmajority of active members in good Meeting. Absentee ballots must bemeetings and conferences. After approvalstanding, or a two-thirds vote of Board of requested by members and submitted toby the Secretary/Treasurer minutes will beDirectors present at a board meeting. Such the Membership chair prior to the Annualsent out by the Executive Coordinator toa petition shall be sent to the President Meeting according to procedures outlinedthe Board of Directors. If not present, thisto verify authenticity and assigned to the in the WAMOA Policies and Procedures.function may be performed by any of theBy-Laws and Ethics Committee for study Ballots will be counted and results will bemembers present, as chosen by those inand recommendation. These proposed presented to the membership. A majorityattendance. amendments may be adopted through ballot will elect to office in each case. Inan affirmative vote of two-thirds of the case of a tie vote, balloting among activeSection C members of the Board of Directors at members will proceed until a decision isOrder of Business: The President shallany annual or regular meeting, provided reached. Absentee ballots shall be countedpreside at all meetings of the membership.notice of such proposed amendment or in each of the ballots. In the event of anIn his absence the next officer in dueamendments, together with the name uncontested slate of candidates, a vote oforder who may be present shall preside.or names of the member or members affirmation shall be taken at the AnnualFor purposes of these By-Laws, the dueproposing the same shall be given to Business Meeting. Only Active members shall be entitled to vote.72 2024 WAMOA MEMBER DIRECTORYWWW.WAMOA.ORG'