b'MEMB ER S BY R EGI ONROCHESTER S.D. CENTRAL KITSAP S.D. Kari ClitheroAsst. Director of OperationsEd Dowell Michael Dyer karic@ckschools.orgDirector of Maintenance and Custodial GMC Manager - Custodialedowell@rochester.wednet.edu michaeld@ckschools.org Joe VlachExecutive Director of Safety and OperationsDavid Berry Seppi Gorecki joev@ckschools.orgLead Custodian GMC Managerdberry@rochester.wednet.edu joego@ckschools.org CHIMACUM S.D.TENINO S.D. Craig Johnson Bill LaubnerMaintenance Manager Director of MaintenanceIan Hand craigjo@ckschools.org bill_laubner@csd49.orgDirector of Maintenancehandi@tenino.k12.wa.usTUMWATER S.D.Dave PotwinLead Groundskeeperdave.potwin@tumwater.k12.wa.usBrian HinkleBuildings and Grounds Supervisorbrian.hinkle@tumwater.k12.wa.usHarold BanningMaintenance Coordinatorharold.banning@tumwater.k12.wa.usShannon LeonBuildings and Grounds Coordinatorshannon.leon@tumwater.k12.wa.usWASBOBrianne KingExecutive Directorbrianne@wasbo.orgWHITE PASS S.D.John KellySupervisor Maintenancejkelly@whitepass.k12.wa.usREGION 5 Together, we can make every day Earth Day!BREMERTON S.D. When you partner with MacDonald-Miller as your ESCO you Jennie Bradley get to be the hero. We maximize project budget dollars andCustodial Foreman reduce operational burden on your staff. Achieving carbon jennie.bradley@bremertonschools.orgJohn Fisher neutrality isnt just good for the environment, its SUPER! Facilities Director Tond out if your scope is the rightt, visit us john.fisher@bremertonschools.org online at www.macmiller.com/espc/.GOLD PARTNERPete Mullen We make schools work better. Maintenance Foremanpete.mullen@bremertonschools.orgmacmiller.com|800-962-59792024 WAMOA MEMBER DIRECTORYWWW.WAMOA.ORG 29'