b'Red OakOwner: The Fain FamilyMaple Tree Pair Cedrus deodaraOwner: The Craig Family Owner: John & Jo WiltseVisit the Heritage Trees of Normandy Park Online and Consider Nominating Your Tree!To celebrate, promote, preserve, and educate the public about the great asset that trees can be, the city has established a Heritage Tree Program. The city is thrilled to have six trees identified as a Heritage Tree in the City of Normandy Park. They are an asset to our community, and we know more trees are eligible for designation. If you have a unique or special tree on your property in Normandy Park, consider nominating it for Heritage Tree Designation. For more information on this program and the six Heritage Trees pictured here, scan the QR Code.Sequoia MapleOwner: The Short Family Owner: George & Lee McLaughlinGolden Chain LaburnumOwner: The Metcalfe Family14 Normandy Park City SceneSpring 2024'